“Face the Music: A Case Study for Expanding
Music and Arts Education in Schools”
For over a decade, the CMA Foundation has been an advocate for music and arts education throughout the country. During that time, we have invested more than $30 million to support our mission, $18 million of which has been in Tennessee. At the heart of our investment strategy is our dedication to understanding both the issues and the opportunities that result in all students having equitable access to high-quality, sequential instruction in the arts.
To inform our work, we wanted to better understand the current state of music and arts education in Tennessee school districts and discover lessons that could be applied nationwide. What began as a public-private partnership between the CMA Foundation and the State of Tennessee in 2018 blossomed into a collaborative partnership with The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation (MHOF), resulting in our State of the Arts (SOTA) initiative, a groundbreaking needs assessment of music and arts programs throughout our state.
We invite you to learn more about our study, “Face the Music: A Case Study for Expanding Music and Arts Education in Schools,” which provides recommendations that position districts to achieve their own individual goals for each student. This case study will allow us to shine a light on how state and local education agencies and decision-makers can make better and more insightful investments in music and arts education programs in every community and share promising practices and recommendations for sustainable learning.